Drupal Holiday Recipes (using OG)

The Fox Valley Drupal Meetup Group
Fri, 4 Dec 2009, 01:00 - 03:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
McNally's Irish Pub , St Charles, US

Ever try to make a new recipe? Even if it went well, chances are the next time you make it, everyone will like it much better. Thanksgiving is past but we will probably all still be feasting on leftovers so bring your Turkey day and Holiday stories and recipes to share.


  • Quick Lesson - Jason Bell on Views Arguments and Views Attach
  • Quick Lesson - Kevin Thull on FileField Paths to hash the sites/default/files folder using node tokens
  • Organic Group Overview and discussion
  • Holiday stories and recipes posting and hands-on with an organic groups site.
  • [/list]

    People start arriving for dinner and drinks around 6pm. The real deal Meetup starts at 7pm. Come as early as you like and stay as late as you like. Support our Hosts by buying dinner and/or Drinks. (Oh and it's Ladies night and Boxty's are half price!)


    A quick update. The Organic Group Overview and discussion will use a live site to be released as beta in the not too distant future. (comments and suggestions will be greatly appreciated) Feel free to setup an account and look for the appropriate group to join. http://www.anyorg.com

    I promise a very interesting thanksgiving story will be shared! It will be a great evening! Hope to see many of you there!

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