March Meetup

Palm Pre, Mojo, and webOS Meetup
Wed, 17 Mar 2010, 02:00 - 04:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Mountain View, US

At long last, the Palm webOS Meetup group rises from the grave. Unlike a brain-eating zombie, however, this meeting will fill your brain with geeky goodness.

We'll start out with introductions and an inspirational speech from the local Palm Developer Relations crew. Then your humble organizer will give a short talk on Open Source in webOS app development. We'll have some time for announcements, requests for development partners, airing of thorny problems, and the like. We'll finish off with some socialization and discussion of all things webOS and app-development related. Once we get to the emacs vs. vi arguments, it'll probably be time to go.

As an added super duper exciting incentive, the fine folks from Palm will be bringing a pile of O'Reilly webOS books to give away. Come on down, and get your free book; it's a good one, I learned a lot from it.

We're meeting at the amazing Hacker Dojo (, "a community center for hackers and thinkers to meet, discuss, learn, create, build and play." Try to RSVP, so I can let them know how many chairs to set up.

Looking forward to seeing you on the 16th.

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