GoingDeep: Your Questions Answered


The great Rico Mariani, software performance guru and Chief Architect of Visual Studio (we dig into what this role is exactly...), sits down with us to discuss what's on tap for the next iteration(s) of Visual Studio (Visual Studio 2010) and beyond... If you spend alot of time in VS, then you def...

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Episode synopsis

The great Rico Mariani, software performance guru and Chief Architect of Visual Studio (we dig into what this role is exactly...), sits down with us to discuss what's on tap for the next iteration(s) of Visual Studio (Visual Studio 2010) and beyond... If you spend alot of time in VS, then you definitely want to make some time to watch this (and listen carefully). It's a long one, but well worth it. 3/4 of the time is spent answering YOUR questions!

I recently asked Niners to submit questions for Rico that would be addressed in this conversation. Rico was kind enough to answer not some but all of the questions! Thank you for your submissions Niners and thank you Rico for taking the time to listen to, learn from and engage with your customers!  :)

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“To iterate is human, to recurse divine” - L. Peter Deutsch