GoingDeep: C9 Lectures: Dr. Don Syme - Introduction to F#, 3 of 3


F# is Microsoft's first functional programming language to be included as one of Visual Studio's official set of languages. F# is a succinct, efficient, expressive functional/object-oriented programming language under joint development by Microsoft Developer Division and Microsoft Research.

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Episode synopsis

F# is Microsoft's first functional programming language to be included as one of Visual Studio's official set of languages. F# is a succinct, efficient, expressive functional/object-oriented programming language under joint development by Microsoft Developer Division and Microsoft Research.

In Part 3 of this 3-part lecture series, Dr. Don Syme elaborates further on:

Object Basics
Imperative Programming

See Part 1
See Part 2

Get the slides for this lecture series here.
Read Don's Blog

The F# Team says: We’re excited to announce that we have made available a new release of F# along with the Visual Studio 2010 RC and a matching February 2010 F# CTP for VS2008. 

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