Storage devices, file transfer and copy operation logic

File Transfer , Csharp , Storage Device India
  • 10 years ago

    Hello World,

    This is my first post on dF.

    I am trying to create a smart file copy utility with queuing and other convenience related enhancement. I also hope to accomplish some performance gain(not on the low level, but through the order in which bulk operations are performed).

    I would like to clarify that I have had almost no real world programming experience. Also, I intend to use C#/.net for the project.

    In essence, I intend to create something similar in functionality as teracopy(if not with the same performance gains than the standard filecopy utility).

    Here are the few things I need expert advice on:

    How does the file copy/move speed depend on the storage media(Hard disk, flash drive,etc)? Read/Write speeds on operations from one hard disk to another.(For example, copying a file from hard disk A to B, from A to A). What sort of simultaneous copy/move operations would not significantly affect each other, if performed simultaneously(I am not considering the load on the processor or the device controller)?

    I do admit I may not have been absolutely clear about the questions, so please let me help you help me.

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