VB instant messenger

  • 19 years ago

    Hi all.
    I've been trying to create an instant messenger for my school so that all students could get closer and to have an application on the web representing our schools and it's students. I know enough visual basic as to create the forms and make everything workbut, I can only make it work on a single computer, at a single time. I need to know how to save the changes made to the program as well as to the contact list. and I also need to know what is used for computers to talk to each other during an instant messenger session. If anyone know what is used to connect the computer so they canuse the messenger, as well as how to save the setting, please, post it here. i know it won't be useful to me only, because I've seen thast many people want to create this kind of application.

    happy coding  :-J

  • 19 years ago

    I'm not sure for the fix, but I also can't figure out how to do the userlist on my chat client.

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