Need help with DHTML application

vb6 Italy
  • 19 years ago

    Hi everybody.
    This is really my first topic in this forum and I hope I can get help here from anyone of you...

    I'm trying to create my first VB6 DHTML Application and I found it is a really good way to create software for intranets.
    But, of course, now I've a problem....Is it possible to access from the Dom object model in VB to variables defined in <script> section??:
    <script language = "VBScript">
    dim MyVar
    MyVar = 1
    <input type="button" name="button1" onclick="alert(MyVar)">

    This simple code show "1" when I click on the button object
    It also works if I use this code: onclick="alert(window.MyVar)"

    But How can I access to MyVar Variable from within the VB DHTML Application???

    I hope someone of you can help me...



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