classes and collections

  • 19 years ago

    Hi Folks, could anyone help meout?

    I tried to do the following:
    I have a collection CLSORDERS which exists of CLSORDER.
    A order (CLSORDER) has a collection of CLSROWS, which exists of CLSROW.
    And finally a CLSROW exists of a CLSDEBTOR, CLSBUYER and CLSBROKER.

    Q: I can't figure out if my clsRowS (collection) is the same as my clsOrder OR is there a clsOrder 'on top' of my clsRowS?
    The same with clsOrders (collection of one or more clsOrder classes).

    With other words: The result must be so that my code is going to look like something like this:

    Please try to be as explicit as possible :-)
    If possible write some code examples.

    Thank you very much for helping out.

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