• 15 years ago

    Hello Everybody...

    I have recently heard about USB KEY protection for software I am new to this technology, could anyone help me in understanding this. The situation is I have a application developed in VB and want to restrict users. As I have heard, USB KEY is designed in such a way that, anyone who tries to execute the program will require an USB Stick inserted in the USB Drive and those who don't have the stick can't execute it.

    Although I am not sure about the working as I have never seen it. Can any body help me in finding the truthfullness of this technology... and help me to design it.

    Thanks for your time.

  • 15 years ago

    It depends what company you went with for your software protection scheme. They'll have their own hardware dongles you should use instaead of a stock "USB KEY" that you can buy from the stores.

    heres an article that may explain what they are, how they work and possibly the flaws in most...

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