Add image in rich text box

vb6 Greece
  • 15 years ago
    Hello... I had some months to visit this site and i have an impression that something is changed here!!! Nice work...

    By the way, i have a little problem and i would really like your advice on it!!!

    I have a rich text box and i want to add an image in it. So far so good but... to use this code:

    main.Text1.OLEObjects.Add , , App.Path & "/Pics/" & Index & ".jpg"

    as i am doing now, the image that will be added to the rich text box has to be saved in a file. So, this code only adds a file into the rich text box. What i want is to store some standar images in an ImageList control (using VB5) and add the images from there, so there will be no need for extra files and stuff like this...

    Can anybody help me on this???

    Thank you very much for your help and your time on advance...

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