• 14 years ago


    I have the same problem of developing users group and password to my program. I am using data control to connect to MS Access. Any ideal please.

    Forum: Databases
    Posted: Apr 17, 9:36 AM [GMT 0]
    Post Subject: Re: vb, access, users and passwords
    Post author: blackrose_alexis

    what kind of connection (ADODB,ADODC,DAO...) you are using? what provider are you using?

    if you are using ADODB and MS Access, try this ConnectionString:

    Dim adoCon as New ADODB.Connection

    adoCon.ConnectionString = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Database (*.mdb)};DBQ=<pathFileName>;UID=<userName>;PWD=<userPassword>"

    if it doesn't solve your problem, you must be specific and give details so that others can help you... Wink [;)]

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