SQL Server does not exist or access denied message

  • 14 years ago

    Can anyone help please?

    I am getting the following error message:

    SQL Server does not exist or access denied.

    My connection string used to work and I could connect to my sql database.

    However I have since run some automatic updates and now I get the above message.

    Is this down to iis or ie settings?

    My connection string is as follows


    con="data source=localhost;integrated security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=True;initial catalog=Northwind";

    SqlConnection sqcon=

    new SqlConnection(con);

    string command="Select name from sysdatabases";

    SqlDataAdapter sda=

    new SqlDataAdapter(command,sqcon);


    new SqlCommand();



    DataSet firstdataset=

    new DataSet();



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