
access United States
  • 13 years ago

    Dear All,

    I'm currently working on a database and want to be able to get different subdatasheets depending upon a specific entry entered in the table above.

    I can get simple subdatasheets working fine but want them to be specific to one of 4 different entries

    Currently the database relationships go

    Table 1 to Table 2 = one to many
    Table 2 to 4 different Table 3's = one to many

    However I can only get Table 2 to go into 1 table 3, rather than being specific and being able to use all 4 depending on what value is entered in one data field.

    Is it possible that different subdatasheets can be used that are specific to previous data entry?

    Sorry if it is not 100% clear but is very hard to explain!

    Any suggestions / ideas / help are welcomed!

    Many thanks, Steve

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