how to check availability of dates and validate it using database

  • 13 years ago

    I need help on ways and guidance on how to design the check availability of dates for the hotel booking system. In this system, user has to check the available dates and rooms before they can proceed with the details in making the room reservations. therefore, the system will check in the database whether number of rooms and nights that user trying to reserve is available or not. If it's available according to the no of rooms and nights selected, the database will reset new values with the latest selection entered by users. if not, error message will be displayed to the user saying that THERE IS NO ROOM AVAILABLE ON THE DATES YOU SELECTED.

    This is almost the same scenario as the  checking availability on dates and rooms procedures in all the hotels that have online reservation via internet. In simple meaning, this works as a hotel reservation system where user book or reserve their rooms via online.

    Anyone?pls help.. thank you.. Sad


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