Clicking program needed

projects Cambodia
  • 13 years ago


    What I need is a program that will specifically be able to interact with another program. I am wanting to run a roulette game while I am away. I would like someone to develop a program that can be set up to play this game meaning I can leave it for hours at a time.

    It is actually alot simpler than it sounds. All the program needs to be able to do is;

    Click a certain area of my screen a number of times. The number of times depends on the colour of a certain area of the screen (it will also have to have a bit of memory in remembering the last colour previous to the current one and be able to know whether it should continue or restart).

    If anyone thinks they could do this and is interested, please email:                 melbournstriker msn com

    or reply in here.


    Fee negotiable.


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