no value given...

  • 12 years ago


    im working with

    i got a few problem..can u guys help me out...

    1. can u all tell me

    whats wrong with my code

     Public Sub UpdateMember(ByVal membername As String, ByVal address As String, ByVal handphone As String)

            ExecuteSqlCommand("update member set tmembername=" & membername & " taddress='" & address & "' and handphone='" & handphone & "'")

        End Sub


    when i running this error msg will out..

    "No value given for one or more required paremeters"

    please help in urgent..


  • 12 years ago


    thanks for helping me..but its still got error..

      Public Sub UpdateMember(ByVal membername As String, ByVal address As String, ByVal handphone As String)

            ExecuteSqlCommand("update member set tmembername='" & membername & "'," & " taddress='" & address & "', and handphone='" & handphone & "'")

        End Sub

    and error msg is..."Syntax error in UPDATE statements"

    actually i dont know very well.


  • 12 years ago

    write like this

     ExecuteSqlCommand("update member set tmembername='" & membername & "',taddress='" & address & "', handphone='" & handphone & "'")


  • 12 years ago

    i can update...


    all the data in member table also update..let say i have 5 data in table member...

    i want update data no 4..

    but after i press update then all the data becomes like no 4.

    i think i should put WHERE statements rite?

  • 12 years ago

     hello u guys...

    thanks for helping me...

    im done now..sorry for the late reply..

    thanks again..

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