Grouping Data report by more than one field.

visual basic 6 , reporting , data report Kenya
  • 12 years ago
    I would like to group a data report by two fields from a data environment. The results are as follows: 1. Category 2. Groupname 3. AccountCode 4. Description 5. Amount I would like the report to be in the following format Category Group name AccountCode description Amount Total-groupname Total category For Example ASSETS Non-Current Assets Furniture and fittings 100000 Motor vehicles 8000 Total Non current assets 108000 Current Assets Debtors 23000 Stock 15000 Total Current Assets 38000 TOTAL ASSETS 1460000 The problem is when i create a child command the query has a sub-query with results and sql server gives me a error when i type the statement directly in the data environment. When i use child command for the query with a stored procedure the relationship for the variables in the sub query must match a field in the parent command. Which when i do sql still tells me to supply a parameter for that stored procedure.
  • 12 years ago
    Do do I group a data report by more than 1 field using stored procedures and child commands

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