Is there anyone here willing to be interviewed regarding their career in IT?

Java , Cpp , webdevelopers , programmers , software developers Calgary, Canada
  • 11 years ago

    Is there anyone here willing to be interviewed regarding their career in IT?

    I'm a college (SAIT) student, in my first year, and planning to major in Software Development. I have this career plan assignment.

    I need someone to interview via email regarding their career in IT; someone who would be willing to give their information such as their email, name, company; because without these information, this interview will not be credited by my instructor.

    If anyone could help me with this, it'll be greatly appreciated.

    Anyone interested, please message me privately with your email address and I will email you with my questions attached or just simply reply here.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.

  • 11 years ago

    Is there anyone here willing to be interviewed regarding their career in IT?

    I'm a college (SAIT) student, in my first year, and planning to major in Software Development. I have this career plan assignment.

    I need someone to interview via email regarding their career in IT; someone who would be willing to give their information such as their email, name, company; because without these information, this interview will not be credited by my instructor.

    If anyone could help me with this, it'll be greatly appreciated.

    Anyone interested, please message me privately with your email address and I will email you with my questions attached or just simply reply here.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.

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