There are two kinds of messages which you, as a programmer, can defined. The first kind is the compile-time-constant variety. I have found, after years of experience, These Are Not Your Friend. I'll nonetheless describe them as many people still prefer them, but as a matter of opinion I avoid them as much as I can. The second kind are messages which are guaranteed to be unique within a system. I much prefer these, and use them exclusively.
Message Management
C++ books
C++ Primer Plus (6th Edition) (Developer's Library)
C++ Primer Plus is a carefully crafted, complete tutorial on one of the most significant and widely used programming languages today. A friendly and easy-to-use self-study guide, this book is appropriate for both serious students of programming as we...
C++ forum discussion
how can i in C++ send file to other PC over net ?
by greensqeq (7 replies)
QUERY: How to control external exe & read it's process details
by swiftsafe (2 replies)
Sorting parallel arrays in C
by joeyMABIA (4 replies)
help me with a problem anybody?
by Schleons (5 replies)
Logic Warz - Program your own Bot, battle other people's Bots
by Peter767 (2 replies)
C++ podcasts
GoingDeep: C++ and Beyond 2012: Herb Sutter - atomic<> Weapons, 2 of 2
Published 8 years ago, running time 4h1m
Herb Sutter presents atomic<> Weapons, 2 of 2. This was filmed at C++ and Beyond 2012. As the title suggests, this is a two part series (given the depth of treatment and complexity of the subject matter).STOP! => Watch part 1 first!Abstract:This session in one word: Deep.It's
C++ jobs
Software Developer - Edinburgh
Runtime Revolution in Edinburgh (EH2), United Kingdom
£25-40k (DOE) -
C++ Unix Developer
Flexton Inc. in San Jose, United States
Experienced C++ Developer
Pando Networks in New York, United States
Pando Networks offers employees a generous benefits package which includes health and dental care, short and long term disability, life insurance and retirement plans. The compensation offered for the position will commensurate with experience.