Write for us
If you’re a programmer and would like to start sharing your knowledge with the rest of the world, feel free to talk to us about becoming a writer for developerFusion. If you can show an enthusiasm and a good knowledge of your chosen technology, we’ll be more than happy to work with you. We know that you aren’t a writer by trade and that’s why our editorial team will work with you on your articles right from the idea in your head to the final draft that goes live on the site.
What Can I Write About?
developerFusion is a vendor-independent website specifically aimed at software developers. We aim to provide high-quality technical articles for practising programmers, be they desktop developers, web wranglers or mobile mavens, working with .NET, Ruby, PHP, Android, iOS, Windows, Android or Linux. These can be written at any level, from general introductions to a new technology or code library right through to deep-dive explorations of a specific section of an API. They can be single articles or, if you believe you have enough material, a series of articles to be published over a period of time.
We also welcome articles about software design/architecture, and also about database technologies (ideally from a programming perspective).
Please note however that the majority of articles are expected to contain example code illustrating the point being made. Articles that deal with history, personalities, interviews, case studies, company strategies or vague philosophical musings are unlikely to be accepted, even though they might be regarded as having some interest to developers. Similarly, 'systems' and 'network administration' oriented articles are generally inappropriate.
developerFusion welcomes articles from developers currently employed by companies, and is happy to admit that there is a benefit to be had for both the author and the company in publishing an influential technical article. However such articles should not be treated as overt advertising. An article which explains the technology and gives examples is a much more successful way of promoting an idea than simply repeating the claim that it is wonderful. Prospective contributors are advised to supply information coloured by opinion, and not just opinion on its own, unsupported by any evidence.
There are always exceptions to any set of rules, and generally all submissions are welcomed - if in doubt, your best guide is to look through the articles already published on developerFusion.
You’ll find a complete set of editorial guidelines for your perusal here.
Not a writer? How about Reviewing?
If you don't feel you're ready to become a writer, or you'd like to be involved but want to see our editorial process working a few times first, you could become a technical reviewer, using your programming knowledge to review and validate articles in their first draft. The feedback given by technical reviewers to article writers is vital to improving and polishing their articles’ final drafts.
We can’t pay
As much as we’d like to, developerFusion is run on a limited budget, which means that we can only pay you in undying gratitude and programmer kudos for your writing and reviewing efforts.
Want to get started?
To get in touch and become a developerFusion contributor, send us an email to [email protected] stating clearly if you’d like to write and/or review, and the areas of your development expertise. If you’re a writer, please also include any proposals for articles you already have and we can crack on straight away.