Iteration Methods


To test the different methods, I allocated 1,000,000 doubles into an array and indexed over all of them. I repeated this 1,000 times to minimize randomness. Here are the results...


Enumeration is always slow. That’s not surprising as I’m using a general data structure to hold the doubles. Each access performs a cast. The three operator/property methods differed very slightly. These are probably all optimized similarly. Using pointer math to traverse over the raw data was significantly faster. This is probably due to the fact that there’s no bounds checking. In summary, if you have large amounts of data and performance is critical, consider using managed C++.


Thanks to Mark Vulfson of ProWorks for tips on using Flipper Graph Control. Also, to my colleagues Ken Baldwin and Steve Sneller at CenterSpace Software.

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About the author

Trevor Misfeldt United States

CEO of CenterSpace Software. We make numerical analysis class libraries for the .NET platform. Author of Elements of Java Style and Elements of C++ Style.

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