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Introduction to Programming Using Python

Introduction to Programming Using Python
Y. Daniel Liang
26 Sep 2011
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Introduction to Programming with Python 3 is intended for use in the introduction to programming course.Daniel Liang is known for his “fundamentals-first” approach to teaching programming concepts and techniques. “Fundamentals-first” means that students learn fundamental programming concepts like selection statements, loops, and functions, before moving into defining classes.

Editorial Reviews

Introduction to Programming with Python 3 is intended for use in the introduction to programming course.

Daniel Liang is known for his “fundamentals-first” approach to teaching programming concepts and techniques. “Fundamentals-first” means that students learn fundamental programming concepts like selection statements, loops, and functions, before moving into defining classes. Students learn basic logic and programming concepts before moving into object-oriented programming, and GUI programming.

Another aspect of Introduction to Programming with Python 3 is that in addition to the typical programming examples that feature games and some math, Liang gives an example or two early in the chapter that uses a simple graphic to engage the students. Rather than asking them to average 10 numbers together, they learn the concepts in the context of a fun example that generates something visually interesting.

Using the graphics examples is optional in this textbook. Turtle graphics can be used in Chapters 1-5 to introduce the fundamentals of programming and Tkinter can be used for developing comprehensive graphical user interfaces and for learning object-oriented programming.

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