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Core Python Applications Programming (3rd Edition) (Core Series)

Core Python Applications Programming (3rd Edition) (Core Series)
Wesley Chun
19 Mar 2012
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In Core Python Applications Programming, leading software engineer and professional trainer Wesley Chun helps developers who are ready to expand their Python skills and go beyond the language and its syntax to learn about how to apply their skills to application programming. Each chapter provides a quick dive or high-level intro into a variety of specific areas of application development.

Editorial Reviews

In Core Python Applications Programming, leading software engineer and professional trainer Wesley Chun helps developers who are ready to expand their Python skills and go beyond the language and its syntax to learn about how to apply their skills to application programming. Each chapter provides a quick dive or high-level intro into a variety of specific areas of application development. As with all Core Series books, it delivers hundreds of industrial-strength code snippets and examples (in Python 2 and 3), all targeted at professional developers, which contain not only a high-level intro but also provide real-world insights for developing applications in Python. By using a relaxed, conversational, and fun writing style, the author is able to explain complex programming concepts in ways that are easy to understand.
A favorite of Python developers, Core Python enters its second decade with this brand new 3rd edition containing updates to mainstay chapters as well as introducing completely new material on Django, Google App Engine, Google Storage, Twitter, text processing, Google Data API, and Programming Microsoft Office. If you're a Python developer, this is an invaluable addition to your collection!

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