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Game and Graphics Programming for iOS and Android with OpenGL ES 2.0

Game and Graphics Programming for iOS and Android with OpenGL ES 2.0
Romain Marucchi-Foino
21 Feb 2012
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Develop graphically sophisticated apps and games today!The smart phone app market is progressively growing, and there is new market gap to fill that requires more graphically sophisticated applications and games. Game and Graphics Programming for iOS and Android with OpenGL ES 2.0 quickly gets you up to speed on understanding how powerful OpenGL ES 2.0 technology is in creating apps and games for amusement and effectiveness.

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Develop graphically sophisticated apps and games today!

The smart phone app market is progressively growing, and there is new market gap to fill that requires more graphically sophisticated applications and games. Game and Graphics Programming for iOS and Android with OpenGL ES 2.0 quickly gets you up to speed on understanding how powerful OpenGL ES 2.0 technology is in creating apps and games for amusement and effectiveness. Leading you through the development of a real-world mobile app with live code, this text lets you work with all the best features and tools that Open GL ES 2.0 has to offer.

  • Provides a project template for iOS and Android platforms
  • Delves into OpenGL features including drawing canvas, geometry, lighting effects, character animation, and more
  • Offers explanation of full-function 2D and 3D graphics on embedded systems
  • Addresses the principal technology for hardware-accelerated graphical rendering

Game and Graphics Programming for iOS and Android with OpenGL ES 2.0offers important, need-to-know information if you're interested in striking a perfect balance between aesthetics and functionality in apps.

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