Much more than a game controller, Microsoft’s Kinect is a bundle of high quality sensors for capturing data on depth, motion, and form. It was only a matter of time before spirited hackers got involved, and this hands-on guide—written by an editor of—highlights the best projects to come out of OpenKinect, the largest and most active Kinect hacking community.
Each hack details a Kinect application and explains in detail how to reproduce the project. Most of the projects in this book use the openFrameworks toolkit or the Processing IDE, as well as the OpenKinect driver library. If you’re an artist or hobbyist, Kinect Hacks will give you a running head-start on this high quality platform for interactive multimedia.
Sections include:
- Programming
- Gaming
- Music
- Education
- Robotics
- 3D Object and Scene Reconstruction
- Performance/Visual Arts
- Motion Capture
- Accessibility
- Augmented/Virtual Reality