Twisted Network Programming Essentials

Twisted Network Programming Essentials
Abe Fettig
20 Oct 2005
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"Twisted Network Programming Essentials" from O'Reilly is a task-oriented look at this new open source, Python-based technology. The book begins with recommendations for various plug-ins and add-ons to enhance the basic package as installed. It then details Twisted's collection simple network protocols, and helper utilities. The book also includes projects that let you try out the Twisted framework for yourself.

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Customer Reviews

Paul Hummer said
When I first received this book, I saw that it was short and rejoiced. I usually never get through a 400 or 500 page programming book, because I get the early concepts, and then go off on a tangent, using the concepts in some way or another.

This book disappointed me. It went through some of the concepts of Twisted without really going into the details about some of the best parts of Twisted. The concepts of deferreds and the reactor event loop were skimmed over too quickly, and I never felt like I knew enough to implement any sort of server in Twisted.

There are better resources on the web to learn to develop with Twisted than this book provides.

Jesse G. Lands said
The book was a very basic introduction to twisted. For the most part it will really only benefit someone who is relatively new to Python and needs to perform some quick network programming.

The tutorials described were good to get someone familiar with the syntax and to show the basic implementation of twisted, but more time is spent reading the book then it would take just to get the documentation and learn it hands on. Any programmer that has poured a few hours into researching code and documentation would feel that this book was a waste of time.

So if you are new to Python and need to learn network programming this book should be able to point you in the right direction, but if you are an experienced programmer, just use the documentation on the website and donate some money to the maintainers instead.

Brandon Gilmore said
The book gave a much clearer initial picture (to me) of the Twisted system than the online documentation did. That said, this isn't the sort of book that I'll need to reference in the future. Perfect for bootstrapping, and now I'm off and running with the technical documentation.

This book will take you through all the packages that will allow you to master the twisted programming.
Very clearly explains with examples several different situations in which twisted will help you to have your network programming asynchronous and fast.

Lee Crawford said
This book is nothing more than a handful of code examples that you can just as easily get from the web. There's nothing in the way of overall architecture, insightful approaches to using Twisted in an application setting, etc. Save your money and read the web pages. Worst O'Reilly book ever.

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