The Python Language Reference Manual

The Python Language Reference Manual
Guido Van Rossum
01 Sep 2003
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This manual is the definitive language reference for Python. It describes the syntax of Python and its built-in datatypes in depth. Python is an interpreted object-oriented programming language, suitable for rapid application development and scripting. Python's syntax emphasizes readability, which reduces the cost of program maintenance.

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  1. Editorial Reviews
  2. Customer Reviews

Customer Reviews

wiredweird said
If you're looking for an introduction to Python or a how-to book, you're looking the wrong place. This assumes a fair degree of fluency in the language already. Once you understand the basic concepts and constructs of the language, however, this provides an indispensable guide to complete feature set and fussy bits of every language detail.

Power users and language contributors must have this book, even though this edition goes only up to v2.5. Beginners will find it a bit much, and not enough - but it was never meant for beginners, and they have plenty of other references to work with.

-- wiredweird

Wayne Cannon said
If you have worked with multiple languages and are somewhat familiar with BNF (or other syntax-description grammar), you will find this book to be a very handy reference for Python. If not, you will still find it an excellent reference for Python, but not as easily readable.

It is an excellent "reference" for the language and has material I did not find in a half-dozen other highly-rated books on Python. It is NOT a tutorial.

Sean Fritz said
If you code in python... you should own this book.

Most concise and readable language implementation reference I've ever read. Doesn't get too far down into the details of the interpreter, while giving all the details an advanced programmer will need.

Pros: It takes four hours to read and will teach you things you weren't aware existed in the python language (well, unless you develop for cpython or something).

Cons: You might need a degree in CS to be able to read this book, it assumes a lot of knowledge. On the other hand, it's cheap, so if you don't understand it you didn't waste a lot of money.

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