Beginning ASP Databases

Beginning ASP Databases
John Kauffman, Kevin Spencer, Thearon Willis
01 Sep 1999
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ASP is Microsoft's glue technology for providing complex, interactive, data-driven web pages for both inter- and intra-nets. ASP runs on the Windows NT web server IIS. 1 million web sites are using...

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  1. Editorial Reviews
  2. Customer Reviews

Customer Reviews

Daniel McKinnon said
I picked up this book while developing ASP with an Access backend for my own web site. I found this to be a terrific reference to learn how to communicate with ADO and it made database access/updating a snap!!

With the switch to ASP.NET and henceforth ADO.NET this book isn't as necessary as in the past (the author has a new book relating to this very topic), but if you are running ASP on your web server and need to communicate with Access or SQL Server you will not be disappointed!! My only complaint relates to the fact that nearly every example is written in VB and not JScript. I find Jscript to be a better server side language to use in the pre .NET world and would have liked it more if the author had mixed up the examples he uses in this book. Aside from that, the book is wonderfully organized and I found it to be very useful.


Andrew R. Turner said
As a web designer, I've always wanted to learn how to use ASP to access database records and use them in my projects. This book has given some great instruction and examples that will help beginners start a foundation of good coding and functions that they will use all the time. Thanks so much!

Santosh Tiruvan said
Although I had an advanced degree in Computer Science all my project experience was in the field of non-web-based application development. So when I entered the web application development market I needed a fast paced book to teach me how to convert my skills from the usual database development to a web based one.

Although many online articles were helpful this book was the reason I understood many concepts.

Its a perfect book for a beginner but if you are already experienced in programming/databases this wouldn't be a bad place to start off web development in ASP (this is not ASP.NET).

Richard F. Mariner said
This book took me from Frontpage Websites to being a real website developer. I've gone back to it hundreds of times. This is the Moby Dick of the ASP coding world.

A. C. Schools said
In my opinion, this book isn't well written. The authors seem to talk about certain subjects before they even teach you what they are talking about. The book also likes to jump around. Even though this book isn't a total waste of money, it should explain in more detail certain subjects that the author should know, might be a little confusing to the reader.

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