Object-Oriented Programming in C++ (4th Edition) (Kaleidoscope)

Object-Oriented Programming in C++ (4th Edition) (Kaleidoscope)
Robert Lafore
29 Dec 2001
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Object-Oriented Programming in C++ begins with the basic principles of the C++ programming language and systematically introduces increasingly advanced topics while illustrating the OOP methodology. While the structure of this book is similar to that of the previous edition, each chapter reflects the latest ANSI C++ standard and the examples have been thoroughly revised to reflect current practices and standards.

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Customer Reviews

J. Brockway said
I have read versions 2 and 4 of this book and still find Robert's writing style to be the most entertaining of all the technical book I have read. His use of illustrations clarifies confusing topics such as classes, pointers, inheritance and polymorphism. I return to read these topics each time I start a job search to refresh myself on these concepts in preparation for interviews.

Kevin W. Eisinger said
This is a well written book and explains things in a simple form. Author does not add unnecessary items to examples which keeps things simple when you are trying to learn. For me it was a good refresher for the C programing part and was great at teaching me the C++ object oriented part. It explains how to use C++ and expands on why you would want to do it a particular way in the real world.

J. Jensen said
I have been a C programmer for many years but had stepped away from it. Recently decided to jump to C++/C# and took a University course on OOP that used this book. The ideas are presented well, examples are great. Even as I take advanced courses I find myself refering back to this book for its examples and clear explaination of OOP theory as well as some of the gotcha's C++ can throw your way. I highly recommend this book, this book is used a lot in into C++ courses and there is a reason. Its Great!!!

Beyond Ken said
If you are a professional Software Engineer, this is the manual to have at your desk when you work.

Rajesh Shroff said
One of the very good references for study of Object oriented programming and understanding C++.

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