Python How to Program (2nd Edition)

Python How to Program (2nd Edition)
Harvey M. Deitel
10 Jul 2009
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KEY BENEFIT: An exciting addition to the best-selling How to Program series, Python How to Program, provides a comprehensive introduction to the Python programming language. KEY TOPICS: Covers introductory programming techniques as well as more advanced topics such as graphical user interfaces, databases, wireless Internet programming, networking and multimedia. Signature “Live-Code™ Approach”— features thousands of lines of code in hundreds of complete working programs.

Editorial Reviews

KEY BENEFIT: An exciting addition to the best-selling How to Program series, Python How to Program, provides a comprehensive introduction to the Python programming language. KEY TOPICS: Covers introductory programming techniques as well as more advanced topics such as graphical user interfaces, databases, wireless Internet programming, networking and multimedia. Signature “Live-Code™ Approach”— features thousands of lines of code in hundreds of complete working programs. Full chapter on Web accessibility for people with disabilities. Readers will learn principles that are applicable to both systems development and Web programming. Contains an extensive set of interesting exercises and substantial projects. MARKET: Ideal for anyone interested in learning to program with Python.

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