Code Centric: T-SQL Programming with Stored Procedures and Triggers

Code Centric: T-SQL Programming with Stored Procedures and Triggers
Garth Wells
15 Feb 2001
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If you want to learn how to write stored procedures and triggers for Microsoft SQL Server, Code Centric: T-SQL Programming with Stored Procedures and Triggers is the book for you. You'll learn real-world coding and how to build non-trivial applications. All of the examples covered in the book are available for download, making it easier to work through over 5,000 lines of sample code.

Editorial Reviews

If you want to learn how to write stored procedures and triggers for Microsoft SQL Server, Code Centric: T-SQL Programming with Stored Procedures and Triggers is the book for you. Youll learn real-world coding and how to build non-trivial applications. All of the examples covered in the book are available for download, making it easier to work through over 5,000 lines of sample code.

While there is extensive coverage of the new functionality in SQL Server 2000—such as UDFs (user-defined functions)—you can use this book effectively for virtually any version of SQL Server6.x, 7.0, or 2000.

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