ActionScript 3.0 Cookbook: Solutions for Flash Platform and Flex Application Developers

ActionScript 3.0 Cookbook: Solutions for Flash Platform and Flex Application Developers
Joey Lott, Darron Schall, Keith Peters
11 Oct 2006
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Well before Ajax and Microsoft's Windows Presentation Foundation hit the scene, Macromedia offered the first method for building web pages with the responsiveness and functionality of desktop programs with its Flash-based "Rich Internet Applications." Now, new owner Adobe is taking Flash and its powerful capabilities beyond the Web and making it a full-fledged development environment. Rather than focus on theory, the ActionScript 3.

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  2. Customer Reviews

Customer Reviews

J Fairlight said
The ideal reader of ActionScript 3.0 Cookbook is an intermediate user who either has a good understanding of ActionScript 2 or who has some experience with ActionScript 3. This is not for the beginner who is looking for point and shoot examples on how to perform basic tasks and it should not bee seen as a viable replacement for Adobe's brain dead approach to educational resources.

If, however, you know your way around AS3, chances are that you will find this book to be quite valuable.

Luis M. Serrano said
The topics covered are very limited compared to the basic needs and scope of actionscript and the coverage of each topic is too limited and redundant. O'Reilly books are usually very good, this one is a miss.

Miller said
It *appears* that the authors know their material, and there's a lot of useful stuff covered.

Unfortunately the book is so full of errors that when encountering a confusing point, it's difficult to determine whether to believe what's written and try to figure it out, or simply write it off to another incorrect statement by the authors.

I find it hard to believe this thing was proofread. O'Reilly, you should be ashamed to put your name on such a poorly-edited publication! This is NOT up to your usual standards.

Carlos Barboni Dutra said
It's me first AS 3.0 book.
This is a good book. Easy to read and learn action script 3.0.
Have examples good and clear for all of the topics.
I like it.

Este fue mi primer libro de Action Script 3.0.
Es un buen libro. Fácil de leer y aprrender AS 3.0
Tiene ejemplos buenos y fáciles para todos los puntos que toca.
Me gusta.

Carlos Barboni

K. Hetman said
very simple recipes. for any intermediate to advanced programmer this book is not recommended.

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