Social Computing with Microsoft SharePoint 2007: Implementing Applications for SharePoint to Enable Collaboration and In

Social Computing with Microsoft SharePoint 2007: Implementing Applications for SharePoint to Enable Collaboration and In
Brendon Schwartz, Matt Ranlett, Stacy Draper
03 Feb 2009
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Social computing is a fast-moving technology, and many of the concepts grow or change every year. Use this book as part of your research for how you will implement any of the social computing applications, but also use online research for keeping updated on new changes to this exciting area of software today.

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Customer Reviews

C. Shiflett said
This is an awesome book that deals with, among other topics, the much overlooked topic of social computing *within the enterprise*. For organizations that have invested in the SharePoint platform for ECM and collaboration it's a must read. SharePoint 2007 offers a lot of out-of-the-box tools that enable social computing, but in order to provide real value it's important to understand the basics of business information architecture and how these tools fit into the overall collaborative strategy of your company. This is the essence of enterprise social computing and the authors have done an incredible job of breaking it down into clear and relevant topics that you can immediately apply in your own environment.

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