Learning OpenCV: Computer Vision with the OpenCV Library

Learning OpenCV: Computer Vision with the OpenCV Library
Gary Bradski, Adrian Kaehler
03 Oct 2008
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Learning OpenCV puts you right in the middle of the rapidly expanding field of computer vision. Written by the creators of OpenCV, the widely used free open-source library, this book introduces you to computer vision and demonstrates how you can quickly build applications that enable computers to "see" and make decisions based on the data. Computer vision is everywhere -- in security systems, manufacturing inspection systems, medical image analysis, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, and more.

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Customer Reviews

K., Marc said
I'm a grad student in robotics and I found this book to be extremely practical for implementation of computer vision work. The only downside is that some of the work is not spelled out in as much detail as I would like. For example, some of the algorithms are easy to understand conceptually, but if I had to implement them, I would struggle a bit to do it from the details provided in the book. This book definitely fits the purpose of being a practical guide to computer vision.

Christos Bergeles said
I bought the OpenCv documentation for a class I am TAing, and I must say I was pleasantly surprise. I was expecting more of a printed version of the OpenCv documentation, but happily I realised that this book contains more examples, and is pretty well structured. I recommend it to anyone who wants to have an introduction to OpenCv, without having to go through intensive search in the web. A good book, but not easy for beginners.

Abhijit Bendale said
This is a long awaited and outstanding book on OpenCV by Dr.Gary Bradski. Very lucid to read, the key concepts of opencv library are explained in great detail initially in the text book. Given OpenCV library is widely used in industry for computer vision application, following this book well should fetch an undergraduate a job or internship he desires. With tons of functions in OpenCV and detailed explaination in the book about these functions, coding in OpenCV becomes as easy as coding in MATLAB.

I am not a computer Science undergrad so did not have much coding experience few months ago. But reading this book, within couple of days I understood the library well enough to do very advanced biometrics research coding using OpenCV. Full marks to the authors for writing an excellent book. I would recommend this book as a compulsory and supplementary book to every computer vision course. It helps students not only understand the concepts of Vision well but also makes them industry ready (as opposed to using only MATLAB in computer vision classes)

JN said
The OpenCV book is an excellent reference to one of the best computer vision and machine learning libraries. The book is very well written, with very nice examples and explanations. You will find yourself anxious to try all the examples and read more ..... if you have been planning to start using OpenCV for some years but you haven't done it, buy this book now, and you will be familiar with most of the functions in OpenCV in just few days.

Evket Umut ÇAKIR said
It is really a nice book. It covers almost all OpenCV library routines. It also explain the algorithms and techniques individually. There are also nice examples in the book that you can apply to your vision based problems. It would be better if this book was hardcover but this is also ok. Good book.

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