Microsoft® Application Architecture Guide, 2nd Edition (Patterns & Practices

Microsoft® Application Architecture Guide, 2nd Edition (Patterns & Practices
Microsoft Patterns Practices Team
04 Nov 2009
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Get the definitive guide on designing applications on the Microsoft application platform straight from the Microsoft patterns & practices team. Learn how to choose the most appropriate architecture and the best implementation technologies that the Microsoft application platform offers applications developers. Get critical design recommendations and guidelines organized by application type from Web, mobile, and rich Internet applications to Office Business Applications.

Editorial Reviews

Get the definitive guide on designing applications on the Microsoft application platform straight from the Microsoft patterns & practices team. Learn how to choose the most appropriate architecture and the best implementation technologies that the Microsoft application platform offers applications developers. Get critical design recommendations and guidelines organized by application type from Web, mobile, and rich Internet applications to Office Business Applications. You ll also get links to additional technical resources that can help with your application development.

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