SEO: Search Engine Optimization Bible

SEO: Search Engine Optimization Bible
Jerri L. Ledford
06 Apr 2009
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Detailed, practical guide to increasing your Web traffic through better search resultsWonder how some companies pop up high in search engine rankings? It's all about search appeal. Master the strategies, techniques, and shortcuts in this detailed guide and you can improve your Web site's search rankings and drive the targeted traffic you want to your virtual door.

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Customer Reviews

D. Thompson said
This book sucks. Its hard to believe this lady is a writer. The form is great, but lacking substance, as I'm sick of reading the same material over and over. Get to the point!!! and move on to a new subject. Its really hard to believe this book got published. I guess you can't add the "bible" part to the title unless it looks really long. We'll, your a crappy writer, thanks for wasting too much of my time.

Chad R. Kimrey said
I had high hopes for this book since it is newly published in 2009, but it's just the same old stuff. In a nutshell, the book just tells us to forget about PHP and Flash and use static HTML if we want to achieve any measure of SEO. That just isn't going to cut it any more. A "Bible" on SEO these days needs to address the fact that website design has become dynamic and graphical. All I see here is that this new edition added alot of general common sense advice without adequately reflecting the major changes in how websites are created today.

Matt Whipple said
I'm generally forgiving about the technical oversights, but this book contains a substantial amount of misinformation which is not only mentioned but expounded upon with complementary bad advice. This makes it dangerous for any beginner. The book was written, as mentioned by others, by someone with a seemingly very weak technical background (including shortcomings in basic web authoring) and provides a quick overview of concepts in a way that may satisfy the curious, but NOT in a way that is particularly helpful to those actually looking to properly utilize any of the techniques.

For beyond beginners, the book provides very little content with much time spent repeating basic suggestions and providing readily available information with no insight (and ignoring other relevant, important, available information). There are several fundamental concepts that are glossed over with comments to the effect of "you can learn more about this by researching SEO" (I think I might buy a book on it...). The book was published long after the WWW matured but seems a retrofitted relic of the days of overloaded HTML 3 meta tags.

The book wouldn't be a bad quick read if it wasn't so long (there certainly doesn't seem to be more than 100 pages worth of information), but it's certainly a bad investment.

Mindflame said
This book does not give a lot of specific advice and much of the advice it does give is wrong. Just looking at the author page will tell you why this was written by a professional writer not by someone working on the web.

William Robinson said
I was looking for new insight ... unfortunately, this book is NOT the place to get it. This doesn't even go over all the basics .... it doesn't sufficiently cover simple topics such as site architecture, keyword density, keyword placement, unique content development, keyword selection, developing title and other meta tags, proper off-site optimization techniques such as link building, page rank ....

Not really sure what this book was about ... but it sure wasn't a 'bible' for SEO.

If you're really looking for a good book on Search Engine Optimization, this isn't it. Keep looking.

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