Oracle Fusion Middleware Patterns

Oracle Fusion Middleware Patterns
Harish Gaur, Markus Zirn
09 Sep 2010
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This book is a compilation of ten real-world case studies, originally published on Oracle Technology Network, and shows how to design and develop business processes efficiently. Throughout the book the authors discuss the revolutionary solutions that are behind the changing face of enterprises. This book is aimed at Architects and IT managers involved in the design, implementation, and integration of composite applications and end-to-end business processes.

Editorial Reviews

This book is a compilation of ten real-world case studies, originally published on Oracle Technology Network, and shows how to design and develop business processes efficiently. Throughout the book the authors discuss the revolutionary solutions that are behind the changing face of enterprises. This book is aimed at Architects and IT managers involved in the design, implementation, and integration of composite applications and end-to-end business processes.

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