Microsoft PowerPivot for Excel 2010: Give Your Data Meaning

Microsoft PowerPivot for Excel 2010: Give Your Data Meaning
Marco Russo, Alberto Ferrari
12 Oct 2010
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Transform your skills, data, and business—with the power user’s guide to PowerPivot for Excel. Led by two business intelligence (BI) experts, you’ll learn how to create and share your own BI solutions using software you already know and love: Microsoft Excel. Discover how to extend your existing skills, using the PowerPivot add-in to quickly turn mass quantities of data into meaningful information and on-the-job results—no programming required.

Editorial Reviews

Transform your skills, data, and business—with the power user’s guide to PowerPivot for Excel. Led by two business intelligence (BI) experts, you’ll learn how to create and share your own BI solutions using software you already know and love: Microsoft Excel. Discover how to extend your existing skills, using the PowerPivot add-in to quickly turn mass quantities of data into meaningful information and on-the-job results—no programming required. The book introduces you to PowerPivot functionality, then takes a pragmatic approach to understanding and working with data models, data loading, data manipulation with Data Analysis Expressions (DAX), simple-to-sophisticated calculations, what-if analysis, and PowerPivot patterns. Learn how to create your own, “self-service” BI solutions, then share your results effortlessly across your organization using Microsoft SharePoint®.

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