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Securing SQL Server: Protecting Your Database from Attackers

Securing SQL Server: Protecting Your Database from Attackers
Denny Cherry
15 Feb 2011
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Microsoft SQL Server is the most used database platform in the world. Databases hold all of the information that a company uses. These databases have to be properly secured so that people that shouldn't have access are not able to access the data. This book covers the various ways that both employees and outside attackers can break into your database, how to prevent those problems, and how to clean up after a break-in.

Editorial Reviews

Microsoft SQL Server is the most used database platform in the world. Databases hold all of the information that a company uses. These databases have to be properly secured so that people that shouldn't have access are not able to access the data. This book covers the various ways that both employees and outside attackers can break into your database, how to prevent those problems, and how to clean up after a break-in.

  • Author Denny Cherry is an MVP by Microsoft for his expertise in the SQL Server product

  • Learn expert techniques to protect your SQL database environment

  • Discover how to identify what an intruder accessed or damaged

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