ADO Command and Stored Procedures

Refreshing Parameters

The query string must first be examined before you can determine the number of parameters and their individual data types.

<% cm.Parameters.Refresh%>

Save yourself time by declaring the parameter objects manually instead of calling the refresh method. (Using Prepared Commands)

  • Before queries are actually executed by the data provider on the database server, they are examined, optimized, and compiled into a pseudo-code that's later used to drive the data-retrieval system.
  • To Prepare a Command Object, set the Prepared property to true.


set cm.CommandText = "Update school set school_name = ? where id = ?"

cm.CommandType = adCmdText
cm.Prepared =true
cm.Parameters.append cm.CreateParameter("name",adChar,adParamInput,50)
cm.Parameters.append cm.CreateParameter("school_id, adInteger, adParamInput)
cm("name")="Golden Lion"
cm("id") = 1


Stored Procedures

To call a stored procedure, the Parameter collection must be set to precisely match the number and type of parameters defined on the server.

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