Visualizing java.util.concurrent

The Boston Java Meetup Group
2-3 May 2011 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Cambridge, US

Pizza and socializing will start at 6:30

Presentation will commence at 7:00


Victor Grazi is Vice President of Application Development at Credit Suisse Client Technology Services/HOLT.

He is a Java evangelist and has been building real time financial systems in Java since JDK version 1.02


This presentation consists of a series of animations that visualize the functionality of the components in the java.util.concurrent library.

Each animation features buttons that correspond to the method calls in that concurrency component. Each click of a button shows how the threads interact in real time. The animations are controlled by the actual Java concurrent component they are illustrating, so the animation is not only a visual demonstration, it's also a code sample.

Key points covered will be
- An explanation of the use case for each of concurrent components.
- Description of the design pattern handled by the component
- How the concurrent component handles the use case
- Visualization through animation of the use case.

Components covered include,
- Executors
- Runnable/Callable
- Future
- Semaphore
- Reentrant Lock
- ReadWriteLock
- Condition
- BlockingQueue
- CyclicBarrier
- CountDownLatch
- CompletionService

If you’re still using constructs like Thread.start or wait/notify, you'll want to attend this meeting.

The presentation is packaged as a self-executable Java Archive (JAR) file and is available for download. It'll serve as a valuable reference for any Java practitioner.

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