Heads Up: FlashONGames - PushButton and Zombie Tycoon (San Francisco)

Silicon Valley Flex User Group (SilvaFUG)
Tue, 1 Mar 2011, 02:30 - 04:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , San Francisco, US

RSVP at: http://register.flashongames.com/

Heads Up SilvaFUG, amazing FlashONGames event, joining forces with SanFlashcisco friends the day after the Flash Gaming Summit.


6:30pm Pizza and beers!

7:00pm Live Streaming starting with…

Building Gameplay with PushButton Engine

by Ben Garney, flash dev working on pushbuttonengine.com

Behind the physics, rendering, sound and UI systems of every game lies the heart - the gameplay code. Starting with the PushButton Engine, learn how to build your game simulation using iterative models, finite state machines, events, data-driven techniques. You’ll leave with the knowledge to model any game situation you need.

You can follow Ben on Twitter: @bengarney or read his Blog on bengarney.com

8:00 pm

A Molehill game: Zombie Tycoon

By Luc Beaulieu, chief technology officer (CTO) at Frima Studio 

Luc will share his experience in making one of the first Molehill games, Zombie Tycoon Molehill. During this interactive session, we will go through the development process of a full 3D game using Molehill, with tips and tricks to get the best of the new API. This session will demonstrate the full potential of Molehill with a focus on design and art.

You can follow Frima on Twitter: @FrimaGames

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