Our 12pm (US ET) talk on Thursday Mar 3 will be "Simple MVC with FW/1", with Daria Norris.
TOPIC DESCRIPTION: (provided by the speaker)
We hear a lot about Model View Controller (MVC) and how we should use it in our applications, but how do you apply this practically in your code? Framework One provides a simple way to use MVC without overwhelming you with features you don't know how to implement. This presentation will show how you can take your existing spaghetti code and turn it into a robust application.
This presentation will go over the basics of MVC and why FW/1 is the perfect solution for that. I'll then provide demo code of converting a simple CRUD spaghetti app into FW/1. No object oriented experience required.
MEETING URL: http://experts.acrobat.com/cfmeetup/
DURATION: Approx. 1 hour
Meeting will be recorded. URL will be posted after meeting at http://recordings.coldfusionmeetup.com
SPEAKER: (provided by the speaker)
Daria Norris is a Web Developer for the Free Library of Philadelphia, where she develops custom library applications. Her biggest project is a search engine of 20K digital images from the library's scholarly collections including medieval manuscripts, historical photographs, maps and more. She has been a ColdFusion developer for 15 years, getting her start in a corporate library where she developed a checkout system that evolved into a Competitive Intelligence search engine. Her passion is making information easier to find and plans to return to school to finish a double masters degree in Information Systems and Library Science.
WHEN: Thurs. Mar 3, 12:00pm US ET (UTC/GMT-5)
What time is that for you? The following link shows [what the time would be for you]. Here's [another option] that shows the time as US ET, and lets you choose your city from the list offered to see what time that is in your own timezone.
RECORDING: As always, the meeting will be recorded, and the recording URL will be posted after the meeting at http://recordings.coldfusionmeetup.com.
In addition to the streaming recording posted immediately after the meeting, we now also post downloadable recordings (FLV, MP3, and MP4) usually within a few days after the meeting, also offered as a link from the recordings page.
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