Head Start @ Rockwell’s

516Ads.com & 631Ads.com / FREE Networking Night
Tuesday March 1, 2011 6PM - 8PM
Rockwell's - rockwellsbarandgrill.com
60 Terry Road
Smithtown, NY 11787-3853

516Ads.com & 631Ads.com is proud to be teaming up with the NYBA (NY Business Alliance) and event sponsors Anna D. Greene - Citibank, N.A. –Smithaven/Lake Grove - 631-265-4657, Sheryl R. Hecht - Prudential/Douglas Elliman Real Estate -  http://SherylHecht.com, Jo Haramis – Floors Décor – http://Flooring.li, Mell Goldman -  ALL-BORO Cleaning & Restoration - ALLBOROcleaning.com, LIASB founder & Trade Show pro - John A. Hill - JohnAHillandAssociates.com, web pro Gary D'Angelo - PremiumTechnologySolutions.com &  Ellen Pellegrino - Age of New Beginnings Spa - http://ageofnewbeginnings.com for what should be  a BIG TIME night of networking @ Rockwells!!!  In addition to a night of igniting business, thanks to the efforts of Maria Reitano - http://mariareitano.cabionline.com we'll be raising awareness/ collecting supplies  (toothpaste/ brushes, soap, shampoo, Children’s books, Hats, mittens, scarves, socks) for Long Island Head Start - http://liheadstart.org . Thanks to Rockwell’s for their hospitality!!! Thanks to our sponsors for their support!!! Great people, great cause, FREE food, all the ingredients for a BIG TIME night of networking!!! Hope to see you there!!!

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