Three Day Chicago intensive iPhone/iPad Boot Camp - Early Registration $899!

Chicago iPhone Boot Camp
Fri, 18 Mar 2011, 15:00 - 17:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
The Tasting Room , Chicago, US

Registration for the Chicago iPhone Boot Camps are
at: http://chicagoiphoneb...

“If you want to develop apps on the iphone you need this course. Don't try this on your own, unless you have a couple of months to spare ” —Craeg K Strong - lead developer,, attended December basic and advanced workshop and January Three Day Intensive iPhone Boot Camp

“ This course is a great way to jump start your iPhone app development. Taking this course will save you several weeks of wasted effort while you try to figure out the API and more than pay for itself in your very first project. ”
— Giri Iyengar,, attended December basic and advanced workshop

"The course is a VERY intensive, heads down class that provides the participants with the capabilities to create iPhone apps. The bootcamp provides a soup-to-nuts outline of how this can be accomplished. Jonathan's help and assistance provided the essential "oil" to make this class run smoothly for the 3 days. Highly recommended." - Bob Angell, iPhone Developer, attended January Three Day Intensive iPhone Boot Camp

The three day intensive workshop from 10am-6pm covers the fundamentals and advanced feature of iPhone development, enough material that you should be able to develop your own iPhone application and upload it to the AppStore. The workshop is limited in size and features hands on exercises under the supervision of the instructor.

Our trainers are all very experienced iPhone developers and some are also authors of best selling books on the iPhone and Obj-C such as Neal Goldstein, author of the iPhone Development for Dummies books, Jeff LaMarche (Beginning iPhone Development. Exploring the SDK – apress ), Steve Kochan (Programming Objective- C 2.0 – Addison WesleyPress) Dan Pilone (Head First iPhone Development- A Learners Guide to Creating Objective- Applications for the iPhone – O’Reilly Press) Jonathon Manning and Paris Butterfield-Addison (iPhone and iPad Game Development for Dummies – Wiley Press) and Matt Campbell (How to Make an iPhone App- Mobile App Mastery)

Developers only include trainers Eddie Marks and James Anthony (co-founders inedible Software), Nathan Eror (founder, Free Time Studios) Ben Sgro (senior software engineer and development manager Elephant Ventures) , Charles Gamble (founder, Percula Software) and Oz Michaeli (co-founder,

Many of our instructors have apps in the top ten and real world experience in how to market apps in the app store that they share with the developers in the workshop

Registration for the Chicago iPhone Boot Camps are
at: http://chicagoiphoneb...

To find our more about the iPhone Boot Camp visit our main site: http://www.iphoneboot...

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