Kickoff meeting: Template Views, Statecharts, and more.

Boston Area SproutCore meetup
23-24 Mar 2011 (Add to calendar) GMT
Concord Consortium , Concord, US

Many developers have found it difficult make use of the powerful MVC and datastore abilities built in to SproutCore because of a lack of documentation and because buying into SproutCore seemed to mean limiting yourself to the abilities--and limitations--of its built-in widgets and views. But things are changing fast. In this meetup, we'll explore the the new TemplateView system that lets you make use of SproutCore's object system and MVC separation while writing still writing your view layer with familiar HTML+jQuery+(S)CSS tools. We'll also have an open discussion about making use of newer features of the framework such as Statecharts and Nested Records to develop effective applications.

We'll also make introductions all around and explore topics to discuss in future Meetups!


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“I invented the term Object-Oriented, and I can tell you I did not have C++ in mind.” - Alan Kay