March meetup: the code retreat edition

The Kansas City Ruby Meetup Group
Wed, 9 Mar 2011, 00:30 - 02:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Leawood, US

Our next meeting is March 8th.  We'll meet at 6:30 to eat and chat and start the meeting at 7:00.  

We have a sponsor for our next meeting, so pre-meeting with food is at Centriq!

Thanks to Patrick Wertzberger, from Farmers Insurance:

If you have a car, own a house, rent a place, or have a family, you probably have insurance.  Patrick would be happy to give you a free quote and since you're a member of KC Ruby, you probably qualify for the "Scientist" discount.  Apparently you can win badges from Farmer's.

Patrick will introduce himself before the meeting, as well, so please be sure to thank him for the food and the Meetup fees sponsorship.

HELP me plan food by RSVPing, too! 

=== Meetup Details ====

This month is the Code Retreat report.  Four of us went to Boulder and participated in a code retreat with Corey Haines and Chad Fowler and we're going to share what we learned.

There will be plenty of time for short talks, too, so please plan to share something you've done or something interesting that you've used in a project.

==== April Meetup ====

If you have an idea that you'd like to present or one that you'd like someone else to present, put it in and vote it up!  We'll review these and pick some for the next meeting.

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