ChicagoRuby: Elmhurst - The Unexpected Pleasures of BDD

Organiser - Chicago Ruby on Rails
Sat, 19 Mar 2011, 15:30 - 17:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Chicago, US

The unexpected pleasures of BDD, a naive working partial review-in-progress of The Rspec Book, by David Chelimsky.

The second 'D' ind BDD is usually Development, but it's also the longest four letter word in computing: Documentation.  We try following Chelimsky's lead to see if tools like RSpec and Cucumber can help to rationalize our development process by bringing non-developer stake-holders more fully into the process.

About the Presenters
Dean and Tracie Pannell are a husband and wife Rails team. Dean has spent 30 nearly years in computing, the last three in Rails. Ending a hiatus from the field, Tracie now lends her experience in software support and testing to de-messify an application that has bridged the divide between "What is Rails doing to me now?" and "Oh no, did I really do that?"

Dean & Tracie know that bicycles have nothing to do with Rails, but they love to ride them anyway.

Registration for WindyCityGo ( is now open. This full-day, Chicago-based conference is focused on iOS, Android, and web-based mobile app development. Special developer/designer activities will be led by Groupon and ThoughtWorks. Early bird registration (save $80) ends on 3/21/2011. Visit for details.

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