Hacks/Hackers Demo Day 2

Hacks/Hackers - New York
5-6 Apr 2011 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , New York, US
10.0 USD

In December, we had held a Demo Day with 5-minute lightning talks (presentations) from ProPublica, OpenGovernment.org, Slate, TPM and others.

We're holding another one at 6:30 p.m. on April 5 at New Work City. You'll hear from:

The lightning talks are 5 minutes a piece, with a brief Q&A after each. Thanks to everyone who pitched their demos when we issued the call!

RSVP today ($10, payable in advance) to attend the meetup — this will help cover food and drinks. (We're serving sliders! Omnivore and vegetarian.)

We're also looking for volunteers to photograph and blog the event. If you'd like to volunteer, email us at nyc[at]hackshackers[dot]com.

If the $10 fee is beyond your budget, please email nyc[at]hackshackers[dot]com and we'll work things out with you.

Join us to learn more about these great news-oriented projects!

—Chrys, Jenny and Al 
Co-Organizers, Hacks/Hackers NYC


About the Host: NWCU
This event is part of NWCU, community-powered learning driven entirely by member participation. NWCU is a curated collection of classes, workshops, Meetup groups, and hackathons, all sharing one core common goal: help existing and aspiring independents build, learn, and share with one another, so more people can lead better, happier lives working for themselves.

NWCU is made possible by New Work City, amazing supporters of independents and innovation.

About New Work City
New Work City is a coworking space and community center for independents in Manhattan. We gather in a cozy shared environment to work, collaborate, learn, and socialize. All you need is some work to do and a friendly disposition!


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Our tools

We've got automatic conversion tools to convert C# to VB.NET, VB.NET to C#. Also you can compress javascript and compress css and generate sql connection strings.

“Better train people and risk they leave – than do nothing and risk they stay.” - Anonymous