Microsoft Public Sector Developer Roadshow

Fri, 8 Apr 2011, 12:30 - 18:45 (Add to calendar) GMT
Microsoft NYC 1290 Sixth Ave , 6th Floor, US

Microsoft invites you to join us for a day of developer-oriented technical sessions, featuring Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. The event begins with a presentation on Visual Studio 2010 – new features, add-ons and SKU plan changes. The second presentation will discuss how Visual Studio Team System (VSTS) 2010 integrates with Office 2010, with a focus on how to plan projects with VSTS. Next will be a presentation on understanding class coupling with VSTS 2010 Ultimate, including a deep dive into Architecture Modeling, and branching and merging visualization. This will be followed by a deep look at the new Manual Test Runner in Visual Studio 2010 and will cover changes in the new .NET 4 framework that could change the way you code. The last session of the day will provide information on business applications of SharePoint 2010 and What’s new in SharePoint development.

The sessions will target Developers, Architects and Web designers, be very much demonstration oriented, and will be delivered by seasoned technical specialists with experience in Government and Public Sector. Seize this opportunity to immerse yourself amidst these exciting new technologies!

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